Create income generation opportunities in rural areas using local resources and appropriate technology
We work on development of agro and food processing technology solutions which will improve constraints of traditional technologies and adopt features of modern technologies at a smaller scale and an affordable investment.
We are passionate technologists, strongly believing in “Small is Beautiful” philosophy of E. F. Schumacher for creating resource efficient appropriate technologies. These appropriate technologies are primarily in the domain of food and agro processing to empower people in rural and semi-urban areas for local wealth and employment creation. We have strong technology foundation with its roots in IIT Bombay, Oxford University UK, UICT, Mumbai and NCL, Pune along with more than four decades of industrial and research experience.
Founder story for jaggery technology development
Founder Dr. Vishal Sardeshpande, an IIT Bombay energy engineer with more than two decades of industrial & research experience, hails from a farmer's family located in a small town in central Maharashtra. In the year 2007, just after finishing his doctorate, he visited a jaggery processing plant in central Maharashtra.
Despite natural sweeteners with health benefits, he was very upset to see the use of various harmful chemicals (clarifying agents and artificial colour) and the unhygienic process for jaggery manufacturing
This has challenged engineer and innovator in him to look for better options for hygienic processing. To explore this topic further, he visited jaggery processing plants in various areas and interacted with farmers and manufacturers. The major concerns reported were availability of skilled labor, fuel sufficiency, consistent quality and shelf-life of jaggery. Based on input received from jaggery manufacturers, he has methodically investigated jaggery plant operations and published research articles in international journals and also worked with International research in 2010-14.
He was not just happy with intellectual investigations and academic research but wanted to find a novel implementable solution for jaggery processing. The founder strongly believes in the “Small is Beautiful” philosophy of E. F. Schumacher for creating resource-efficient, appropriate technologies. This has inspired him to write a patent for a unique small scale jaggery processing plant design with hygienic and resource efficient operation in-year 2011. He worked with two jaggery pilot plant installations in 2011-2016 (while working in corporate).
In order to demonstrate his concept to the market, he left the company and started full-time work on a jaggery processing plant from 2016. With the help of a few friends and funds from saving, he designed and manufactured a pilot demonstration plant. The pilot demonstration plant was installed at one of his friend’s facilities at Loni Kalbhor, Pune in Jul-2018. The plant was initially operated for water boiling (instead of sugarcane juice) to establish all the scientific principles for combustion, boiling and heat transfer. As a plant deals with efficient use of resources, the name is coined as ‘Resource Efficient Jaggery Processing (REJP)’ plant. There were considerable efforts on understanding protocols for chemical-free jaggery processing. The use of chemicals is required mainly due to poor process control and empirical operations. The major sources for unhygienic processing are primitive plant layout and rudimentary plant design.
The plant started producing jaggery from Jan-2019 and produced more than 3000 kg of chemical-free jaggery during trail runs till May-2019. The jaggery produced was well received during sampling and test marketing. The founder wanted to understand the market requirement for a small-scale plant. He wrote an article in ‘Agrown’ newspaper for farmers. There was an overwhelming response. He received more than 200 calls expressing the need for small scale technology.
The founder and cofounder felt a need for a new full-scale demonstration plant. The full-scale operating plant was commissioned at Pirangut, Pune in Jan-2022. This plant is acting as a training, demonstration and confidence-building setup for future customers. The cofounder is involved in the manufacturing and selling of jaggery produced from the new full-scale plant.
Our Genesis
Our Founders
Dr. Vishal Sardeshpande
Dr. Vishal is M. Tech and Ph.D. from Department of Energy Science and Engineering (DESE), IIT Bombay and fellow of Oxford University UK.
He has 25+ years of experience in energy efficiency for industrial and commercial establishments, product development from idea to commercialization and thermal energy system application engineering in formal and informal sectors.
He is adjunct associate professor to CTARA (Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas), IIT Bombay, doing his teaching and research in the domain of appropriate technology, Product development and MSME in rural areas.
He has been associated with organizations like Forbes Marshall, Thermax, A.T.E. Enterprises, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE),Government of India, and IIT Bombay. He has authored more than 21 publications in journals and applied for 8 patents including one for jaggery processing.
Dr. Madhavi Sardeshpande
Madhavi is Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay, and M.Chem. Eng., Chemical Engineering, UICT (formally UDCT), and Bachelors of Engineering, Chemical Engineering, from University of Mumbai.
Executive management program IIM Bangalore. She worked as a Young Scientist – SERB Fellow at Chemical Engineering Department, National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune, India. She has 18 years of experience of experimental investigations and computational modeling in the domain of thermal and fluid systems.
Her work encompasses design and development of experimental setup, define experimental protocol, conduct measurement and implement Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model for experimental data.
She has established Solar Thermal Laboratory at NCL, an experimental facility to test various Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) systems and its integration with process heat applications in cooking, dairy and textile sectors.
Our inspiration
We Believe In Inclusive Development
Village Industries
Take the sugar industry. The largest major industry next to the textile is that of the manufacture of sugar. It stands in no need of our assistance. Sugar factories are fast multiplying. Popular agencies have done little to help the growth of this industry. It is indebted for its growth to favourable legislation. And today the industry is so prosperous and expanding that the production of jaggery is becoming a thing of the past. It is admittedly superior to refined sugar in nutritive value. It is this very valuable cottage industry that cries out for your help. This by itself furnishes large scope for research and substantial help. We have to investigate the ways and means of keeping it alive. This is but an illustration of what I mean.
We believe in empathy and empowerment to disseminate scientifically developed and tested technology solutions to improve the constraints of traditional agro and food processing technologies at a smaller scale and on an affordable investment. Products manufactured from our technology solutions spread health and happiness in harmony with nature and society.
Sameer S Gupte
It’s a very good and useful product. I am using it regularly in every possible way. Now I am not using sugar at all. In tea, milk and also in vegetables.
प्रमोद अच्युत सी ए
प्रमोद अच्युत सी ए
तुम्ही दिलेले Sarvaay Turmeric Jaggery हे प्रॉडक्ट अतिशय छान आहे, चवीला मधुर असून घरातील सर्व वयोगटाला आवडण्यासारखेच आहे. त्याचा सुगंध आणि चव लाजवाब आहे. दुधातून घेतल्यानंतर दिवसभर पूर्ण स्पुर्ती मिळाली, ताजेतवाने वाटले आणि विशेष म्हणजे जेंव्हा जेंव्हा ही Jaggery रात्री दुधातून घेतल्यावर पूर्ण शांत झोप झाली. तुमचे आणि हे प्रॉडक्ट तयार करणाऱ्या प्रवर्तकांचे मनापासून अभिनंदन आणि आभार तसेच पुढील वाटचालीस हार्दिक शुभेच्छा...
Ankith Shankar
I came across these jaggery granules from a fellow team mate from Pune. Relishing on these in between sessions was so good to replenish your glycogen depletes and also to reward oneself for the hardwork they’re doing. Wanting more of these led me to Dr.Sardeshpande’s super cool lab that sweapt me of my feet. Till then I though making Jaggery was desi process that is related to rural community alone. Seeing Sarvaay Jaggery manufacturing facility made me realize that true science can make simple things more wonderful. Understanding that controlling heat during Jaggery preparation can make the Jaggery so unique, flavourful and nutritional. Thats it, from that day on I’m a fan of Sarvaay’s Jaggery. I recommend, not only to athletes but to everyone who has a sweet tooth and is health conscious to try this guilt free.